(HP同人)Take into the Air(英文版)

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er rre a full dxd n.”

dr fd y.

er drvenes.

“ phrdy re.”

lf re d eve, d rd.

“a” re y.

“r tre kn’t re tf at risk.”

“t i , ived we.”

“tfoy urn.”

“yeve, t deert —ty d d runk.”

“ly. “yd ”


“ rdler .” d were y”

“eleven,” dr.

“ exd deides wh, s. , y.”

“ y s.

“t’ized uer.”

lfver t d h. h, wheks, .

“ d.”

“ y yey. “y l f.”

“nt tyver s hy hrr yrds.

y k, l. drao y ve.

no, .

drao fer . drao dy r t is.


y ’d ever e— r.


“ex ,” re loved retur”


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